Discover the luxury of AVEDA with discounts on hair & beauty treatments at Nirvana.

Recommend a friend

Do have a favourite hair stylist or beauty therapist at nirvana and just can't wait to tell a friend about your recent treatments? when you recommend a friend you and your friend can then both receive £5.00 off your appointments once they have visited us for the first time. Simply just take one or two of our recommend a friend cards from the desk next time you're in.

Relax and enjoy being pampered

Feel luxuriously pampered, refreshed and vitalised with luxury AVEDA treatments. Experience a bespoke facial, a relaxing massage or a new beautiful hair colour and cut.

If you are unsure which treatment or product to go for, do pop in for a complementary consultation as our team of experienced hair stylsits and beauty therapists will be more than happy to help.

Receive a complementary 2 minute neck and shoulder massage before your hair cut appointment using your favourite aroma composition oil or complementary 2 minute hand massage whilst your colour is processing.

First appointments

When you have your first hair or beauty appointment with us you could receive 25% off your bill when you mention this offer. 

*excludes products, beauty packages & bridal / weddings.